JAA Tourist Apartments

Lisboa, Portugal

JAA Tourist Apartments

General Info

Area: 5.878m2
Client: Fercopor
Architecture: Aires Mateus - Arquitectos, Lda



Building for 19 tourist flats, with 4 basements and 8 floors above ground.

The main conditions of this project result from the fact that its construction will be made on the site where previously existed an office building with 2 basements, which requires a specific study of excavation and peripheral containment of the 2 new basements, The structural solution is the result of the compatibility with the peripheral containment walls of the old existing building in the Lot that needs to be maintained, which causes a discontinuity in the verticality of the lateral walls of the Building at the level of Floor 0 - that is solved at West by a branch of transition wall (thicker), and at East with the use of a transition beam.

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